(Single Player Only) Naughty little fly.: Complete 'The Secret Stairs'. My Precious.: Collect all the Mithril Bricks. Let's hunt some Orc!: Complete 'Amon Hen'. It's a dangerous business.: Complete 'The Black Rider'. It won't be that easy!: During 'Prologue', jump into the fires of Mount Doom as Isildur. I've always been taller!: Use the Ent Draught on Pippin. (Single Player Only) I'm glad to be with you.: Complete a level in co-op. (Single Player Only) I told you he was tricksy.: Collect all the Red Bricks. Here's a pretty thing!: Craft every Mithril item. Where are we going?: Form The Fellowship of the Ring. (Single Player Only) Don't tell the Elf.: Throw Gimli 30 times. Delved too greedily.: Collect more than 10,000,000,000 studs. Dance of the dead.: Turn an enemy into a skeleton and make them dance. An expected journey.: Travel to Trollshaws as Bilbo. (Single Player Only) A Wizard should know better!: Complete 'Osgiliath'. A link to the elements.: Craft the Fire and Ice Bows.

And away he goes, Precious! Defeat Gollum as Gollum. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. Note: This same method can also be used to get the "I'm Glad To Be With You." achievement. You should get the "We Cannot Linger" achievement without actually having to play the entire mission and complete it in under 15 minutes. Play "The Mines Of Moria" mission again in Story mode, and after a minute or two of playtime, pause the game, select "Quit To Middle Earth", and choose to "Save And Continue". Easy "We Cannot Linger" achievementĪfter you have completed "The Mines Of Moria" mission, you will have the option to replay it in Story mode or Free Play mode. Jump down from Weathertop to hear the "Leap Of Faith" sound from the Assassin's Creed series. The studs will funnel into your total without spreading out. To make collecting studs easier, jump on top of destructible items, then attack. Get a 100% game completion to unlock Newborn Uruk-Hai. Get a 100% game completion to unlock Elrond (2nd Age). Enter one of the following codes at the "Extras" menu to activate the corresponding cheat function: